

Fonds Association pour les droits des gai(e)s du Québec (ADGQ). – [ca 1967], [ca 1974]-1988. –  6 m of textual records, photographs, and audio records.





Administrative history:


The Association pour les droits des gai(e)s du Québec (ADGQ) was founded in Montreal following the dissolution of the Comité homosexuel anti-répression (CHAR) at its last orientation meeting on 30 and 31 October 1976. The ADGQ was a founding member of the International Gay Association in Coventry, England, in 1977. The ADGQ is also active in the National Coalition for the Defence of Homosexuals (CNDH).


The ADGQ moved into premises on Saint-Timothée Street in the spring of 1977. The association moved to Sainte-Catherine Street in 1980. On 22 October 1977, the ADGQ organized a demonstration attended by 2,000 gays and lesbians, following the police raid on the Truxx bar in Montreal the previous day. Two other major demonstrations were organized by the ADGQ, in support of the men arrested at Sauna David in Montreal (April 1980) and following the raid on Bud’s bar in Montreal (June 1984).


On October 27, 1977, the ADGQ submitted a brief entitled La minorité homosexuelle et La Charte des droits et libertés de la personne (The Homosexual Minority and the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms), seeking to add sexual orientation as a prohibited ground of discrimination in the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. Bill 88 was passed by the Quebec National Assembly on December 15, 1977. The ADGQ signed several other briefs, including one on the gay community and the Montreal Urban Community police (1979), on Bill C-33 and the reform of the Criminal Code, and the brief entitled Pour toutes les familles québécoises (March 1985), presented at the Consultation on Family Policy implemented by the Quebec government.


In July-August 1978, the ADGQ began publishing the newsletter Gaie(s) du Québec. Then, from June 1979, the ADGQ published the fortnightly magazine Le Berdache, influenced in particular by the Quebec counter-cultural magazine Mainmise. The last issue of Le Berdache was published in September 1982. Le Petit Berdache succeeded it from 1983 to 1986. When Berdache ceased publication, the editorial team split up and the titles Sortie (1982-1988) and RG (1981-2012) were created. The ADGQ also published the newsletter À propos (June 1986-June 1987). To improve lesbian representation, the ADGQ set up a women’s committee, which was active in 1981-1982. In May 1982, the association changed its name to Association pour les droits des gais et lesbiennes du Québec (ADGLQ).


The ADGQ also organizes a number of social and cultural activities, including Gairilla, a week of gay and lesbian visibility (1980), Fête Nationale gaie (from 1980), la Semaine du cinéma gai (1982) and the Soirée d’expression gaie (1984). In 1982, the association expanded its services to include the Gai-Écoute telephone line and Community Services.



Scope and content:


The fonds bears witness to the ADGQ’s activities: the fight against repression and discrimination based on sexual orientation, publications, the organization of and participation in conferences, the organization of events, round tables, dances and celebrations surrounding Quebec’s National Day (24 June) and Gay Pride Week.


The fonds contains manifestos, planning documents, minutes, financial documents, forms, leaflets, briefs, documents relating to periodicals published by the ADGQ, graphic productions, press files, alphabetical files, a survey of ADGQ members, documents relating to activities organized by the ADGQ, correspondence produced and received, photographs and sound documents.


The fonds contains the following series:


AGQ-F0017/S1. Administrative management

AGQ-F0017/S2. Human resources

AGQ-F0017/S3. Financial resources

AGQ-F0017/S4. Movable resources

AGQ-F0017/S5. Information resources

AGQ-F0017/S6. Communications

AGQ-F0017/S7. Alphabetical files

AGQ-F0017/S8. Members

AGQ-F0017/S9. Activities

AGQ-F0017/S10. Correspondence produced and received

AGQ-F0017/S11. Photographs

AGQ-F0017/S12. Sound documents





Source of title proper: Title based on the contents of the fonds.


Parallel titles and other title information: The organization is sometimes known by another name: Association pour les droits de la communauté gaie du Québec. Issues 1 to 30 of the newspaper Le Berdache read: ‘‘Association pour les droits de la communauté gaie du Québec’’. In May 1982, the name was changed to Association pour les droits des gais et lesbiennes du Québec (ADGLQ).


Immediate source of acquisition: The fonds was donated to the AGQ in 1989 by Jacques Sigouin and Louis Girard (acquisition 1989-01). The fonds was also transferred to the AGQ in 1990 by Claude Martineau (acquisition 1990-04).


Arrangement: The series AGQ-F0017/S7. Alphabetical files follows the original classification of the organization’s working files.


Language: The documents are in French and English, with a few in Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Danish, Swedish and Dutch.


Related groups of records in different fonds external to the unit being described:


  • The AGQ-F0011 Bernard Courte des AGQ fonds contains documents relating to the ADGQ, including file AGQ-F0011/S7/D2. B. Courte. ADGLQ file probably dating from after 7 July 1982 to September 1986.
  • The AGQ-F0012 Sortie des AGQ fonds contains documents relating to the ADGQ in file AGQ-F0012/S1/D3. ADGLQ/ADGQ file dating from 1979 to 1984.
  • The fonds AGQ-F0013 Projet Action-Intégration includes a file on the ADGQ: AGQ-F0013/D18. Action-Intégration. Association pour les droits des gai(e)s du Québec. The documents probably date from 1983 and May 1985.
  • The AGQ-0073 Gilles Garneau fonds contains documents relating to the ADGQ in file AGQ-F0073/D1. Gilles Garneau. Documents relating to FLH, ADGQ, RLNGQ and STOP. The documents probably date from before February 20, 1972 to 1989.
  • The AGQ fonds AGQ-F0130 Tom Green (ADGQ) contains documents relating to the ADGQ
  • The AGQ’s periodical collection includes the magazines Gaie(s) du Québec, Le Berdache and Le Petit Berdache


Finding aids: Digital inventory of the fonds in Excel format. The full version of the classification plan is available on request. An abbreviated classification plan is available in PDF format.





Arsenault, M. (2000). Histoire de l’Association pour les droits des gai(e)s du Québec (1976-1986). Mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal.


Beaulieu, C. (1983). « 1960-1980, Notre “petite histoire” ». Le Petit Berdache, (5), 12-15.


Higgins, R. (1999). De la clandestinité à l’affirmation. Pour une histoire de la communauté gaie montréalaise. Montréal, Québec : Comeau & Nadeau (Lux Éditeur), 127, 131-132.


Higgins, R. (2010). « La régulation sociale de l’homosexualité : De la répression policière à la normalisation. », dans Corriveau, P. et Daoust, V. (dir.). (2010). La régulation sociale des minorités sexuelles : L’inquiétude de la différence. Sainte-Foy, Québec : Presses de l’Université du Québec, 87, 90.


Migneault, B. (2001, juillet-septembre). « L’amour qui n’ose dire son nom dans les périodiques québécois des XIXe et XXe siècles ». À rayons ouverts, chroniques de BAnQ, (55). Repéré à


Pleau, M. (2013, 5 octobre). « Archive : Le Berdache, l’ultime utopie (texte de 1999) ». Le blogue de Marcel Pleau, (commentaire et reprise du texte publié dans le magazine RG en décembre 1999. Repéré à


Radio-Canada. (1977, 11 mai). « L’Association pour les droits des gai(e)s ». Diffusé dans le cadre de l’émission de radio Présent édition québécoise. Repéré à


Sivry, J.-M.  (1998). « Traces militantes éphémères : l’ADGQ et Le Berdache » dans Demczuk, I. et Remiggi, F. (dir.), Sortir de l’ombre : histoires des communautés lesbienne et gaie de Montréal. Montréal, Québec : VLB éditeur, 235-263.







Dernière modification : 2024-10-09