Fonds Denis Dumas (GHAP). – 1970-1977. – 2 cm of textual records.
Biographical sketch:
Denis Dumas was born in Montreal on 1 June 1944. He was one of the founding members of the Groupe homosexuel d’action politique (GHAP) in 1975. He studied linguistics at the Université de Montréal (BA 1967, MA 1972 and PhD 1978) and at the University of California, San Diego (partial doctorate 1972-1973). He has been a linguist (specializing in phonology, historical linguistics, Quebec French and French grammar) at the Université du Québec à Montréal since 1969, and a retired associate professor since 2003. The author of numerous scientific articles, he has also published Nos façons de parler: les prononciations en français québécois (Presses de l’Université du Québec, 1987), and contributed to the edition of the general language dictionary of French Usito, from the Université de Sherbrooke (2013).
Scope and content:
The fonds bears witness to the interests and activities of a homosexual activist, in particular his involvement with GHAP.
The fonds contains a work by Claude Beaulieu et al. entitled L’homosexualité masculine dating from May 1970, Denis Dumas’ file on GHAP and a file on the Service d’entraide homophile de Québec (SEHQ).
The fonds contains the following files:
Source of title proper: Title based on the contents of the fonds.
Immediate source of acquisition: The fonds was transferred to the AGQ 7 February 1992 by the fonds’ creator (acquisition 1992-003).
Language: The documents are in French and English.
Related groups of records in different fonds external to the unit being described: The AGQ-F0001 Groupe homosexuel d’action politique (GHAP) fonds at the Archives gaies du Québec contains documents relating to this organization: discussion and policy papers, internal regulations, leaflets and draft leaflets, handwritten and typescript notes, press clippings, minutes of meetings, letters to newspapers, memoirs, reference documentation on homosexual liberation associations and movements in the United States, Manitoba and Ontario, convention documents, manifestos and documents relating to the Comité homosexuel anti-répression (CHAR). The documents date from 1973 to 1976.
Finding aids: Digital inventory of the fonds in Excel format.
Bibliographie :
Beaulieu, C. 1983. « 1960-1980, Notre “petite histoire” », Le Petit Berdache, n° 5, p. 12.
Higgins, R. 1999, De la clandestinité à l’affirmation. Pour une histoire de la communauté gaie montréalaise. Montréal, Comeau & Nadeau, p. 123.
Noël, R. 1993, « Pratiques politiques et formation de l’identité gaie au Québec : l’expérience du Groupe homosexuel d’action politique, 1975-1976 », mémoire de maîtrise, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Noël, R. 1998, « Libération homosexuelle ou révolution socialiste? L’expérience du GHAP », dans Sortir de l’ombre : Histoires des communautés lesbienne et gaie de Montréal, Irène Demczuk et Frank W. Remiggi, dir., Montréal, VLB éditeur, p. 187-206.
Sylvestre, P. 1979, Les Homosexuels s’organisent au Québec et ailleurs, Montréal, Éditions Homeureux, p. 54-55.
Dernière modification : 2024-12-11