

Fonds Claude Beaulieu. – 1977-1978. – 1 cm of textual records.





Biographical sketch:


Claude Beaulieu is an author, activist and lecturer. He was president of the Association pour les droits des gai(e)s du Québec (ADGQ) from 1976 to 1978. He also contributed to 11 issues of Gai(e)s du Québec (the ADGQ’s first newsletter), and later to Le Berdache and Le Petit Berdache. Claude Beaulieu went on to produce the first gay television programme, 88, on Cablevision nationale in 1978.



Scope and content:


The fonds contains four texts by Claude Beaulieu, including two lectures given respectively at the Symposium on Homosexuality [197- ] and at the Centre humanitaire d’aide et de libération de Québec (CHAL) in the winter of 1977-1978, as well as a welcoming speech at the Congrès national de tous les gai(e)s du Québec, held on 15 and 16 October 1977.


The fonds contains the following files:


  • AGQ-F0033/D1. Definitions [Text by Claude Beaulieu]
  • AGQ-F0033/D2. C[laude] Beaulieu. Les gai(e)s: des précurseurs. Symposium on homosexuality
  • AGQ-F0033/D3. C[laude] Beaulieu. Welcome address. 1977 National Convention
  • AGQ-F0033/D4. Claude Beaulieu. Lecture presented at CHAL, Quebec City





Source of title proper: Title based on the contents of the fonds.


Immediate source of acquisition: The fonds was transferred to the AGQ on 1 December 1992 by the fonds’ creator (acquisition 1992-22).


Language: The documents are in French.


Related groups of records in different fonds external to the unit being described:


The AGQ-F0009 Groupe gai de l’Université Laval (GGUL) fonds includes the ‟GGUL. Dossier Oppression (Psychologie)” (AGQ-F0009/S2/D22), which contains the transcript of the debate that followed Claude Beaulieu’s presentation at the convention of the Regroupement national des lesbiennes et des gais du Québec (RNLGQ) on 6 October, 1979.


The AGQ-F0011 Bernard Courte fonds includes the ‟B. Courte. Dossier Histoire du mouvement [gai]” (AGQ-F0011/S7/D12), which contains a text by Claude Beaulieu, “La vie gaie québécoise…”. The document is dated 24 October 1983.


The AGQ-F0030 Denis Dumas-GHAP fonds contains a work in sexology written by Claude Beaulieu and others, entitled ‟L’homosexualité masculine” (AGQ-F0030/D1). The document dates from May 1970.


Finding aids: Digital inventory of the fonds in Excel format.





Beaulieu, C. (1983). « 1960-1980, Notre “petite histoire” ». Le Petit Berdache, 5, 12.


Giguère, N. (2016). Les périodiques gais au Québec : évolution et transformations d’une presse au service de la communauté. Mémoires du livre/Studies in Book Lecture, 7(2), 1-30.


Smith, M. (1998). Nationalisme et politique des mouvements sociaux : les droits des gais et lesbiennes et l’incidence de la charte canadienne au Québec. Politique et Sociétés, 17(3), 113-140.






Dernière modification : 2025-01-08