

Fonds Groupe gai de l’Université Laval (GGUL). – 1973-1986. – 13 cm of textual records and stickers.




Administrative history:


The Groupe gai de l’Université Laval (GGUL) was officially recognized by Université Laval in 1978. ‘The Group’s objectives are to bring together the homosexual population of the university campus, to inform and interest the community in the reality of homosexuality, to advise and guide members in difficulty and to defend the rights of the homosexual population. […] A documentation centre is also available for those who want to learn more about homosexuality. (excerpt from the notice for the Groupe gai de l’Université Laval (GGUL) fonds, Division de la gestion des documents administratifs et des archives de l’Université Laval). (extrait de la notice du fonds Groupe gai de l’Université Laval (GGUL), Division de la gestion des documents administratifs et des archives de l’Université Laval).



Scope and content:


The fonds documents the activities of a homosexual university community group: support, cultural and sporting activities, information on homosexuality, mobilization, relations with similar organizations elsewhere in Quebec, Canada and internationally.


The fonds contains a filing frame, alphabetical files, meeting documents, correspondence and stickers bearing the words ‘No to mail rape by the R.C.M.P.’ (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).


The fonds contains the following series:


  • AGQ-F0009/S1 Classification framework
  • AGQ-F0009/S2 Alphabetical files by subject
  • AGQ-F0009/S3 Alphabetical files by organization
  • AGQ-F0009/S4 Correspondence





Source of title proper: Title based on the contents of the fonds.


Parallel titles other title information: In 2018, the organization changed its name to ‘Association pour la diversité sexuelle et de genre de l’Université Laval’. The archive is known as the Groupe gai de l’Université Laval (GGUL) since the documents relate to the organization’s first period.


Immediate source of acquisition: The fonds was transferred to the AGQ on 12 June 1986 through André Doucet of the GGUL (acquisition 1986-01).


Arrangement: File AGQ-F0009/S1/D1 contains a ‘classification framework’ (classification plan) which has been maintained for the classification of the fonds.


Language: The records are in French and English.


Associated material: The Division de la gestion des documents administratifs et des archives de l’Université Laval holds a Groupe gai de l’Université Laval (GGUL) fonds (P318). The documents date from 1986 to 1997. The record for this fonds can be found on the Réseau de diffusion des archives du Québec (RDAQ) website:


Related groups of records external to the unit being described:


The fonds AGQ-F0012 Sortie des AGQ contains one file (AGQ-F0009/S1/D73) relating to the GGUL. The documents date from the 1980s.


The AGQ-F0017 Association pour les droits des gai(e)s du Québec (ADGQ) fonds also contains a file (AGQ-F0017/S6/SS4/D14) relating to the GGUL. The documents date from the 1980s and 1984.


Finding aids: Digital inventory of the fonds in Excel format. Classification plan available in PDF format.





Dernière modification : 2024-08-19