An exibition at McGill University with the AGQ

An exibition at McGill University with the AGQ

This fall, the Quebec Gay Archives are collaborating with McGill’s Dr. Alex Ketchum’s exhibition “Recipe for a Queer Cookbook”. This exhibition, organised as part of Queer History Month, is an overview of many recipe books and other documents written on the subject of queer cuisine.

The AGQ are loaning 3 documents for this project, all of them belonging to our zine collection acquired from Viviane Namaste in 2007. The zines in question are: “Hot Lip”, “Diseased Pariah News”, and “Fuzz Box”.

The exhibition will take place in the hallways of the Leacock Building of McGill University, from August 18th to December 20th, 2021. There will be a vernissage on October 7th, where we will give a short presentation of the AGQ, along with Laure Neuville of the Quebec Lesbian Archives, who also collaborated with Dr. Ketchum for this project. The exhibition is also available online.